Monday, September 6, 2010

Week Four: physical, professional and cultural growth.


Time flies.  This Wednesday, September 8th marks our one month anniversary in the Kingdom.

Things are going smoothly.  Saint Laura of Northern Wisconsin continues to ingratiate herself to the administration, Jack has lowered his BPD (Bites Per Day) average to about a kid a day and I've joined the compound fantasy football league.   My fantasy football team is named "The Pork Smugglers".  It is both culturally relevant and it makes the other members of the league a little uncomfortable when they say it-Double Bonus!  We've hardly been here four weeks, yet our physical (Jack), professional (Laura) and cultural (Rob) growth has been astounding.

Jack's personality continues to evolve daily.  He's currently putting out a Mao Zedong meets Kim Jung Il vibe.  We've started calling him "The Chairman".  He's taken to wearing oversized sunglasses, crisply starched military khakis and yelling "Di di mau! Di di mau!" at anyone within earshot.  However when he isn't instituting dictatorial rule over home and nursery, he just loves to dance.  So far his repertoire includes spinning in circle, running in place (think Flashdance) and the Hula.

Next week is Eid break, which will give Laura and I sometime to get settled and explore Khobar.  So far the highlight of our time here, outside of compound and school, has been buying an iron at the local super market.  So the sky's the limit!


  1. There you go again, misleading the public with your bite stats. The truest measure of toddler bite rate remains KBPD (Kids Bitten Per Day). By only counting the sum of total bites, BPD (bites per day) gives equal weight to repeat bites on the same kid. KBPD more accurately reflects dental daycare dominance. Fuzzy math!

    Jack Schlesinger for Governor. (Or Sultan or whatever.)

  2. What did you bake this Friday? Did I miss out? Taf said he had a yummy cookie!!! :)
