Monday, September 13, 2010

Jack the Toddler

This week it has become very clear that Jack is an official toddler.  He wants to do everything himself and it is the end of the world when he can't!  He's learning to share with his new friends and to not bite mommy or throw food on the floor.  I got several toddler-parenting books and we are figuring out how to manage all these new behaviors and emotions.

Of course, like all toddlers, he is great fun most of the time!  He loves to run and be chased, and to climb on everything.  Yesterday for the first time, he pushed a chair across the kitchen and climbed up to play in the sink.  Maybe he'll start doing the dishes now?

Since we have the week off, we have been swimming every day, sometimes twice a day.  He has gone from being nervous about the water unless one of us was holding him tightly, to jumping off the edge (or even the diving board!!!) and going under water with no fear.  He blows bubbles like a champ, too!  It won't be long before he is swimming by himself, like his new friend who is only 2 weeks older and can swim underwater for about 10 feet!

Jack and his big belly rule the pool!

Playing with one of his new compound buddies.

The box from Jack's new pool toy...censored of course.

That's all for now...tonight we are headed to a restaurant at a British compound nearby for fish and chips!  And I'm off to a pedicure here is rough ;)


  1. Okay, I know I've been out of the loop for a while, but did Chewy join the caravan to the Kingdom? If not, who is watching that beast? Or is she busy building sand castles and gobbling personal pan pizzas in feline heaven? I'm intrigued by the potential of all of the above.

  2. Love the belly boy! Cute pics. Elodie and Jack are the cutest one year olds!
