Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sri Lanka - Turtle Sanctuary

A stick fisherman in Sri Lanka

We've had a busy and exciting two weeks!  My parents are here, so I will be posting pictures soon from their visit.  Rob is currently in the Singapore airport on his way home from Bali Green Camp with a group of students. 

Before we get into that, I have some more Sri Lanka pictures to put up.  After our visit to Uda Walawe, we headed back to the beach.  One day we went to a nearby town, Galle, where we visited a sea turtle hatchery.  They told us that sea turtles eggs are commonly dug up by predators or people and therefore don't hatch.  The hatchery workers gather eggs and release the babies back into the ocean when they are ready.  They also rehabilitate and sometimes house injured sea turtles.

Eggs waiting to hatch
A baby sea turtle, a week old
Jack holding a baby turtle

A Green sea turtle that was injured by a fishing boat
On the way back to our hotel, we stopped to get a coconut drink.  We learned that there are two varieties of coconut, green and orange.  The green ones become brown and are used in cooking.  The orange ones are used for making coconut oil.  The water in the center of the orange ones contains electrolytes, and is known as a cure for a hangover.
Cutting the top off of the coconut
Enjoying the refreshing water by the pool
After a relaxing two weeks in Sri Lanka, we headed back to Saudi.  We discovered that Santa decided to leave the larger presents for Jack at our house!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Baby sea turtles! I need to go there just to see them!!
