Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Countdown...

We are getting to the time of year when we start counting down to summer break!  This is a little early for most, considering school here ends June 25th.  But Jack and I will be going back early to get ready for the baby to come!

In two weeks, Nancy and Steve will be here to visit!  Then two weeks later Jack and I will fly back with them to go to MN and WI.  We wish Rob was coming too, but he has to finish out the school year.  He will travel June 25th, and the baby is due July 10th. 

In the meantime, we are keeping busy.  Jack is in beginners swimming lessons twice a week, and Rob and I are busy at school with Student Council and general school stuff.  It's been in the hundreds lately so we spend most of our free time in the pool.

I have some more pictures to share from our visit to Jordan:

Jack hanging out with the Jordanian soldiers at the marathon

Walking in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia

Checking out the Roman ruins in Jerash